Welcome to my website

Hello my name is Gary S. Laing age 42  living in Peterborough originally from London

Let me tell you a little bit more about myself i was born in London rasied there also moved to America lived there for 16 years (Florida ,New York & California i have two children 2 boys 18 & 13. While in florida i worked with my farther running his gas stations then i moved to California got married ( for 3 yrs) after that i stayed with my cousin who played pro-basketball. I always dreamed about being a model i returned to the U.K in 1995 and started to plan how to go about being a model now i'm on my way slowly but surely.......


I have just been signed with Talent management Modelling agency also signed with Star now.


I was never given the opportunity back in the day to pursue my dream of starting my modelling career. I decided  that the time is right now to fulfil my long time ambition i feel that  I am  mentally ready to go after my ambitions I am  a lot  more mature now. I have a better understanding about the industry. Being a model is a mental & physically challenging career to go into   i have done my homework looking at it     from a realistic point of viewThe most important thing to have is the support of your loved ones, there will be times you will feel down, as long as you have the support of your family it will keep you focused & on track. Without the love & support of my loved ones my dream could not happen.


This is why I decided to full fill my life   long ambition of modelling. The opportunity has arisen and I intend to make the most of the opportunity. I work hard and flexible on the amount of time i am prepared to gain my dream.



Anything is possible if you are willing to work hard and put into life what you want out of it. The type of modelling work i'm looking   for is commercial work through to work within the tv sector. I am up for the challenge and wish to attain my dream!!!! I am willing to travel to any assignments I have and a portfolio is available shortly.




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Website launched Welcome one and all

18/11/2011 16:10
 My new website has been launched today. Hi i started this website that people would & could have a better understanding about who i am & what i am all about.  I hope after you vist my website that you will leave with a better understanding about who i am...